The Samurai

The Samurai
The Samurai were warriors of Japan that were very dominant in the 1603-1867. They faught eachother on behalf of their Daimyo who were there rulers.
Bushido and Arts
The Samurai followed a code called the Bushido. The code of Bushido demanded that you serve your Dianymo and you must learn 7 arts, archery, the spear, fencing, horse riding, military strategy, use of firearms and jujitsu. They were taught from a very young age.
Control of the Body and Mind
The Samurai were encouraged to be careless and in control of there body and mind. They did meditation to erase all feelings and thoughts.
Samurai Women
Samurai women were also courageous but they were taught and expected to be a good wife and mother. They were taught to manage their household while their husband was away fighting and keep everything under control.
Ronin were samurai who's daimyo had lost a battle or their land. They were free and masterless and many of them started a new life, while others became bandits or mercenary soldiers.

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